AWS Backup Delete Script

Delete AWS Backup artifacts AWS Backup is a great utility, but when you are cleaning up an account it takes a long time to remove all the backup artifacts by hand in the console. So instead I present this one-liner Single Region $ aws --region us-east-1 backup list-recovery-points-by-backup-vault --backup-vault-name default | jq '.RecoveryPoints' | jq -c -r '.[].RecoveryPointArn' | xargs --max-lines=1 aws --region us-east-1 backup delete-recovery-point --backup-vault-name default --recovery-point-arn Multiple Regions $ regions=us-east-1,us-west-2; for region in $regions; do aws --region ${region} backup list-recovery-points-by-backup-vault --backup-vault-name default | jq '. [Read More]

Nginx + SSL/TLS through Let's Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt + Nginx is simple easy! Look, it’s 2020, and if your site isn’t provided under SSL/TLS then you are behind even the least sophisticated scammers out there. Here is a quick walk through on using certbot from Let’s Encrypt, that provides easy to acquire, and even renew your certificates if you’re using Nginx. NOTE: These directions are geared toward Fedora users, but this is literally just as easy on Ubuntu, Arch, Gentoo, etc. [Read More] 2020 is a go!

Man 2020 has been a rocky start to say the least! However, I am finally getting some time to do the things around my lab that just need to be done. This little project is one of those things. What is this project? For years I have wanted to separate out the aspects of my life, to compartmentalize. I have lots of personal things I want to accomplish, but I don’t want to muddy a personal site with professional journals and tech jargon. [Read More]