Github action-scp updated for 2021

2021 Had Different Ideas Welcome to 2021, I decided to post about my plans to blog a bit more in 2021, but the internet gods had conspired against me and made my Github Action action-scp fail. So I started into fixing it. If you see this blog post, it is indeed fixed. What happened? No clue, but something on the Github side of things changed in a way that I was starting to fail host key verification, even though it specifically uses StrictHostKeyChecking=no. [Read More]

New Year New Goals

A New Year It has been a rough one, not for me personally, I actually can’t complain about 2020 too much. Aside from being locked in closer quarters than normal with my kids, the year was overly meh. I will go count my blessings and keep at it. New Goals Aside from the normal weight loss, education, etc. goals, I am also committing, once again to 52 posts on this blog this year. [Read More]

Accessing Multiple CodeCommit Repos

AWS provides a handy Git based repository to their customers called CodeCommit. Accessing the repository is easy enough, upload your SSH Key to the AWS Console, and then add CodeCommit to your SSH configuration: # ~/.ssh/config Host git-codecommit.* User USER1EXAMPLEARN1 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/USER1EXAMPLEARN1_rsa This is wonderful until you need to access more than one AWS Account’s CodeCommit repo. How do you identify between two different AWS Account repos that use the same URL? [Read More]

Github Actions Worked

This is a temporary post to let me know that my Github Actions are functional. Yay me!

AWS Boto3 Documentation Redirect

Maybe you are lazy like I am, but when I want to read the Boto3 documentation I just open my browser, and in the omnibar I type boto3 and slap Enter; however, this results in my browser auto-filling the URL bar with and since the AWS guys are too lazy to add a redirect there, I have created a simple User Script that does exactly that, it just redirects the browser to the correct link https://boto3. [Read More]

Find all EC2 Instances using in-house AMIs

Building off my last post GNU Parallel and AWS CLI, today I used parallel with more AWS to get a count of all AMIs being used in my infrastructure using any in-house AMI (non-Amazon, non-Marketplace). The Problem I need to know how many of my instances are running Chef clients. Conveniently we only run Chef client on instances that use images we have created in-house. So I can limit my search. [Read More]

GNU Parallel and AWS CLI

We all know that the GUI/Console for AWS is sadly slow and cumbersome to use. That’s why they created the CLI and SDK tools to let impatient people do more work in less time. However, the CLI and SDK are also slow because well, processing time takes for ever sometimes. So for the truly impatient isn’t it nice that you can use GNU Parallel to complete more work in less time? [Read More]

AWS IAM Scan for Role Name

Scan AWS Account for IAM Role If you are like me you happen to work with ALZs with LOTS of accounts. Jumping into each one to verify a role exists, or doesn’t it quite tedious. So here I have a simple “one-liner” that loops through your accounts and looks for the existence of a role (by partial lookup). One-liner for role in $(cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep devopsadmin | cut -d '[' -f2 | cut -d ']' -f1 | grep -v ^role_arn); do echo $role; aws --profile $role iam list-roles | jq -r ". [Read More]